
Nesting & News

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Had a great day on Sunday getting lots of stuff done! Brett wasn't feeling well so we missed church but I got to spend the morning nesting, cleaning, organizing, and purging Fable's room of broken toys! I also got to finally hangup art on his walls! Turned out amazing and he loves playing in there now :)

Before (pig stye!)


After that we spent some time enjoying the lords creation in our garden. It's so exciting to see everything poking up from the soil. We are growing lots of veggies & fruit; tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, bush beans, sweet peas, sunflowers, strawberries, watermelon, spinach, kale, collard greens, 5 different kinds of peppers, & many more! We made the planters our self and I hope to get a tutorial up soon! ;)
Watering the garden
Watering the path lol

Lastly I got some more work done priming the cabinets in our RV! Super productive day!!! Finished it off with yummy homemade pizza! YUM! (sorry forgot to get pizza pictures)

Sorry about the blurry pics :/
Lots of nesting going on in The McQuiston house! Now for the news!!! We met with someone at the Portland Housing Center yesterday to start a plan in action to buy a house! The people there are super helpful and gave us lots of  information. We have some debt to pay down and got accepted into their IDA savings program that matches your savings 3:1. God is so good we just barely made the list we were #6 of 7 families accepted into the savings program. The plan is within 13 months we will be in the market for our first home! Thanks to everyone that is following this blog can't wait to share more soon!

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